Website publisher

The website is published by the S.A.R.L. REX, A1710 rum producer, located at Le François in Martinique.
Please remember that excessive alcohol consumption is detrimental to your health and you should always drink in moderation.

This website can be accessed at the following addresses:;;;

REX is a limited liability company with a capital of 151,000 Euros.
RCS BASSE-TERRE 797 707 155
SIRET number: 797 707 155 00017
APE code: 1101Z

Regulatory information

– Corporate Name: s.a.r.l REX
– Director: Yves Assier de Pompignan
– Registered Office: s.a.r.l. REX, Habitation du Simon, 97240 Le François, Martinique
– Phone: +596 696 08 26 30

Access to and use of the site’s content are subject to these legal notices. Accessing and
browsing the site constitutes unconditional acceptance of all the following clarifications.

Publishing Director

Yves Assier de Pompignan

Trade name A1710

The semi-figurative trade name ’A1710’ is registered with the French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) under number 3998796.

Website design

Design / Development / Hosting and updating : By DEBELIOU with OVH:, 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix, France.

Copyright – Intellectual property

Copyright of photographs available on this site: s.a.r.l REX producer of Rhums A 1710, Jérome Guillaume (Dusabre Photographie), Albane de Roffignac (Hors du Cadre), Mario le Chateau, Aurélie Marie (, Rachel Sulio (mespetitsbonheursausoleil), Guillaume Savary (Lephotographedudimanche). Copyright of videos available on this site: Vincent FAYAD, Saku Kofy. In accordance with copyright law, any unauthorized use of a photo/video work is liable to prosecution. The site as a whole, as well as its component parts (notably texts, tree structure, software, animations, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, graphic representations, logos, etc.) constitute intellectual works protected by articles L.111-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. Unless otherwise stated, the site and its components are the exclusive property of s.a.r.l REX, producer of Rhums A 1710, the only party entitled to use the intellectual property rights and personality rights relating thereto. The use of all or part of the site, in particular by downloading, reproduction, transmission, representation or distribution for purposes other than for the personal and private use of the Internet user for non-commercial purposes is strictly forbidden. Infringement of these provisions is punishable under the French Intellectual Property Code (article L.335-3), the French Trademark Code (article L.716-9) and the French Civil Code (article 9, articles 1382 et seq.).

The site strives to ensure the accuracy and update of the information disseminated on the site, which it reserves the right to correct at any time without notice. However, s.a.r.l REX, producer of A 1710 Rums, cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision, and completeness of the information provided on the site, which does not constitute a guarantee or commitment to the user. Users and visitors cannot establish a hypertext link to the site without the prior written authorization of the publication director.

Any request to this end must be addressed to

Table of contents